verse of the day

Tuesday 3 April 2012

The best is yet to be.[ Jeremiah 29 v 11]

Yesterday was a very imporant day, it was my birthday, I am 68,amazing how God has spared me,so often one could have perished,in an accident,or through an illness. So I give thanks to God for His faithfulness, I really have so much to be thankful for,at an early age I trusted the Saviour , but became a prodigal for a number of years,until 48 years ago I attended a church service and the Lord restored me to Himself.As I look back I am so grateful for those dear Christians who have befriended me, for the many who have ministered to me,and encouraged me, but most of all I thank God for His faithfulness,I dont believe I am the center of the universe, but I do believe I am loved ,by a loving Heavenly Father.His Love is eternal, constant, and unchanging. I believe He has changed me, and will continue to transform me, by His amazing grace,whatever the years ahead hold, I can rest assured that I have a Saviour ,who will never , never, leave me,nor forsake me, and what applies to me applies to you , dear child of God, I believe the best is yet to be, the eternal glories shine afar,may that vision never dim in any of our lives.
A prayer..../ Dear God we praise You for Your faithfulness, mercy,grace and love in Jesus name Amen/

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