verse of the day

Sunday 29 April 2012

Is vengeance ever right?. [ Romans 12 v17 ]

When the Russian army was advancing into Germany during the last days of world war two, they were not only defeating an enemy, but they also were intent on getting revenge,because of all the  awful things the German army did to the Russian people. The German population sought to flee from the advancing Russians, and with good cause,but they could only run so far, and many of then,especially the women suffered .The question all this raises is, is taking vengence ever acceptable?,and the scriptural answer is no ,Romans 12 v 17 instructs us to leave God to deal with the wrong doers,/ Vengeance is mine, I will repay/. Does that mean we are to let wrong doers do as they please?, no of course not, there must always be a system of justice,and the wrong doer punished. This is one of roles of the state,justice also demands that the punishment should reflect the seriousness of the crime,the thief on the cross acknowledged he was recieving the just punishment for his crimes [Luke 23 v41 ] .
A  prayer....../Dear God we bring to You the many who are suffering injustice,especially Your dear children, we ask that they would leave their cause with You,in Jesus name Amen /

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