verse of the day

Monday, 9 April 2012

His Kingdom come [ Matthew 6 v 9-13 ]

It was reported that Fidel Castro of Cuba fame, has declared good Friday a national holiday,this has happened after Pope Benidicts visit. This is amazing because for most of his reign Fidel has appeared anti Christian,being anti Christian is very popular in many countries,I am continually reading of Christians suffering for their faith. Could it be that things are going to change in Cuba?, I hope so, I wonder how communism gained a foothold in many countries,I suppose the situation in many countries was so bad for many ordinary people, they saw communism as a way out.There are no perfect political systems,democracy appears the best , but it is far from perfect,because men are imperfect,if they were perfect then we would have a perfect goverment.Our Saviour did not preach about the rule of earthly goverments, but He did stress what it meant to belong to His kingdom,cp Luke 6 v20 ff/ Matthew 5 -7 v27,of being a servant, of loving others. If we live by these principals,we will be better people, and better citizens, although we may be considered fools, by the world.
A prayer...../ Dear God we pray for Cuba that Your kingdom will come,and we pray that we who are citizens of Your kingdom,may live lives, that reflect that reality, for Jesus sake we ask this Amen /

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