verse of the day

Thursday, 19 April 2012

Jesus. [ John 21 ]

Why not give up,why not give up with church,why not give up praying,why not give up on that difficult child,that difficult marriage,that dream, that God has placed in your heart. Surely God will understand , He will understand , how tired I am,how much I have tried, and tried, and it seems I have got nowhere.I know so many have given up,oh yes they had their reasons, and I am not going to judge them. But what I will do, is pray for them,for I have been tempted to give up, we are all fellow travellers on this road of life, but then what?,no to give up,is not the answer. Whatever road of live we are on,we will still have to face difficulties,it is the nature of life, the difference between the road I am on ,yes it is a narrow road,but there is one with me , His name is Jesus. He makes all the difference to me, His friendship is ever constant, and unlike so many fairweather friends ,He never leaves me,and He fully understands ,how I feel,He is always there for me 24/7.I cant imagine life without Him, can you?.
A prayer ..../ Dear God grant us the grace to not give up,and to never loose sight that the most important thing in my life is Jesus Your Son Amen /

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