verse of the day

Friday 27 April 2012

Burdens [ 2 Corinthians 12 v1-10 ]

 We can carry many burdens in life,some have to be borne,God will give us grace,He will grace to the humble, we are exhorted to cast our cares upon Him,for He cares for us, and will sustain us [ Psalm 55 v22/ 1 Peter 5 v7 ]The burdens we are called to bear are never sent to destroy us,but they are meant to be borne,and in all things we are meant to glorify Him,it is natural to want to be burden free. I wonder what we would be like if we never had a burden to bear,would we better people?,as  I observe life I see how that material prosperity, does not make people more content, it just appears to create a desire for more. Consider the wisest yet foolhardy king Solomon,read the book of Ecclesiastes,he had everything and appears he was never satisfied,  he found it all meaningless.He appears to have lost sight that being king, was not just to accumulate,wives,gold,nor was it right to oppress his people[1  Kings 12 ] Could it be that we need burdens, to keep our sinfull selfish tendancies in check?, sunshine all the time brings its own dangers,prosperity can cause us to loose sight of what is most important,love for God, and love for people.We all want self satisfaction,not realizing that when ever the word self is first in our list,it can never bring satisfaction[John 4 v13-14],let me also say we are not,to be self  absorbed with our burdens also, for that can only bring frustration, resentfulness, and even bitterness.
A  prayer..../ Dear God grant us the grace we need for those things that must be borne, that in them we may glorify You in Jesus name Amen /

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