verse of the day

Thursday 12 April 2012

The greatest challenge. [ 1 Corinthians 9 v24-27 ]

I believe to live the Christian life is a great challenge, to love as we should[ 1 Corinthians 13],to walk with God as Enoch did [ Genesis 5 v24/Hebrews 11v5 ], to serve God as our Savior did[John 13], to be holy as we are instructed to be[2 Peter 3 v11]. Yes the Christian life is a tremendous challenge, it is ungoing, until the day we die,the challenge will remain,if we let down our guard ,we will suffer, the enemy will take an advantage of our laxness and cause us harm. That is why we are instructed to pray without ceasing[1 Thessalonians 5 v17 ],prayer is vital , as it was for our Saviour,consider if He needed to pray,then we need to pray.We pray not to tell others, or for our glorification, but for our spiritual well being,and our relationship with our Saviour. We need to read the Bible, for in this world, we can so easily be decieved,Gods word is a lamp unto our feet, and a light unto our path[ Psalm 119 v105 ]. Many people are challenged to do many things,like climb mountains,sail around the world single-handed,as Christians we face a greater challenge, that of being a Christian.
A prayer...../ /Dear God grant us the grace we need to live this challenging Christian life, in Jesus name Amen /

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