verse of the day

Wednesday 22 December 2010

Snow ,Gods call. [ Isaiah 55v6 ]

I found myself asking the question, why the snow?,after all ,it only appears to inconvenience us, traffic jams 20 mls long, dangerous to walk on, maybe I am getting old, I have not thrown one snowball, or built a snowman. Yes snow can be fun ,but mostly we see it as an inconvenience ,something we wish would not happen.Here is another question, who made the snow?, and of course God did,so what does that mean for us, well it reminds us that in inspite of all our advances in technology, that we are only the creatures, not the creator, that God is incontrol not us. Yes there are lessons from the snow, and from sickness,from even death,they are the voice of God , calling to us, reminders of who we are,and who He is. The next very important question is are we listening?. [ Dear God snow ,floods, earthquakes, sickness, help me to here Your voice calling me back , from my sinful independance,to Yourself,help me see that only in you am I trully secure, in Jesus name Amen ]

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