verse of the day

Tuesday 14 December 2010

Dross. [1 Corinthians 3v 11-15 ]

As I was praying this morning ,I found myself saying ,Lord hear my prayer inspite of the dross, for when I pray often my mind wanders to inappropriate things. Dross ,there is so much of it in our lives ,in our conversations ,in so many things, of course there is coming a time when ,all the dross will be burnt up [1 Corinthians 3 v 11-15 ]. On that day ,perfect judgement will take place, I wonder what will survive the fire, well ,we will see, but in the meanwhile let us ask God to help us to aim for excellence. Now of course I am not talking about being saved, nothing we can do will save us [Ephesians 2 v 8-9 ], no I am pointing us to that day when ,our Lord will reward us, when all our service will be seen for what it is. Let us not despair at our shortcomings, let us by the grace of God, press on towards our eternal goal, unward ever upward. [ Dear Lord purify me from the dross in my life,help me not to grow complacent, but ever strive for heavenly excellence, in Your name we ask this Lord Jesus Amen ]

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