verse of the day

Monday 6 December 2010

No second causes. [ Romans 8 v28 ]

The subject of Gods providence is very important, and important for us to think on, to realize that God who is Sovereign is managing our affairs.The old Puritans wrote much on the subject, seeking to direct our thoughts from second causes to God ,the one who is directing all the events in our lives, Richard Stibbs wrote,/ Gods providence extends to the smallest things, to the sparrow and to the hairs of our head. He governs every particular passage in our lives/.We mentioned yesterday about the seasons of our lives, in the providence of God ,we may be in a season, of sickness or health, of poverty or wealth, of promotion or demotion, as the hymn writer wrote , Every joy or trial Falleth from above, Traced upon our dial , By the Sun of love/, in the providence of God it is so, in saying this ,the hymn writer goes on to write,/We may trust Him fully , All for us to do, They who trust Him wholly ,Find Him wholly true,[Frances R Havergal] [ Dear God help me to see beyond second causes, to You ,help me to see that You are in control of all the events of my life,in Jesus name Amen]

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