verse of the day

Monday 12 July 2010

One day at a time. [ Matthew 6 v 25-34 ]

I noticed that this my thousandth post, how on earth did I do that many? its a good question,well the answer is simple one at a time. How have I come this far in my Christian life? one day at a time, I cannot live tomorrow, it has not arrived yet, I cannot live yesterday ,it is gone, but I can live today. One day at a time, that is all God asks of us , thats a big enough burden for any of us to carry, according to our Saviour.[Matthew 6 v34 ] Gods grace is for today, not for tomorrow,when tomorrow comes you will receive the neccessary grace you need, so today dont think about old age,or the burdensome future, trust the Lord for today.[Father the burdens of tomorrow often overwhelm me,help me to simply live one day at a time, in Jesus name Amen ]

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