verse of the day

Thursday 29 July 2010

Leave it with God. [ Philippians 4 v 6-7 ]

Leaving things with God is very important, if we have prayed about something, trust the Lord to sort it out, let us not fret or worry, God is big enough to resolve any difficulties, all He asks is that we trust Him, be it a financial need, a problem with our children, our wives or husbands. When we pray about something, we are doing what is most important we are placing it in Gods hands,for Him to act for us. If He wants us to do something , He will let us know, and then we must trust and obey,but often we can do nothing, other than trust . If one reads the Psalms , time after time the writer pleads for God to work on his behalf,what could Joseph do when ,he was accused wrongly, and put into prison ,Genesis 39v20, but we have these words in v21, /But the Lord was with Joseph/. Eventually God moved on his behalf, and brought him out of prison, God did this, so let us trust God to work on our behalf, He will not fail us. [ Father in Heaven help us to trust You to work on our behalf, we leave all our problems in Your hands, undertake for us in Jesus name Amen ]

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