verse of the day

Friday 30 July 2010

Old and wrong patterns of thought. [ Romans 12 v2 ]

Here I go again worrying about my future, inspite of all the answers to prayer, all my experence as a Christian, I am sure ,I am not on my own in this, all of us can slip into old and wrong patterns of thought. So what are we to do?. Well we must go to Jesus ,and talk to Him, there is an old chorus cames to mind, I quote from memory, it goes,/ All your anxieties all your cares bring to the mercy seat leave them there , never a burden He cannot bear , never a friend like Jesus/. Next we need to turn to Gods word afresh, to remind ourselves what God says, words like,/ Casting all our care upon Him , for He careth for you [1 Peter 5 v7], or Philippians 4 v19,which assures us that God will meet all our needs ,through His Son. In doing this we will begin to overcome our worries as we let faith arise, and we begin to focus on the One who is able to do exceeding abundantly above all we can ask or think[ Ephesians 3 v20 ] [ Dear Lord forgive us for worrying, help us to overcome, our natural thinking, help us to focus on You, our great Saviour Amen]

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