verse of the day

Saturday 31 July 2010

Finger pointing. [ Micah 6 v 8]

The problem with pointing out others failures,is, we loose sight of our own, just yesterday a friend , pointed out something wrong that a professing Christian had done. I found myself saying, judge not ,of course it does not help when Christians act wrongly, it causes a stumbling block, to those who are Christians, and those who are not. Again that is something I am very conscious of ,I am known as a Christian, in work , and in many places, if I sin and do something wrong, my testimony,is ruined, and it will effect so many people. When one throws a stone into water,it has a ripple effect, that is damaging in so many ways,most of all God is dishonoured. So today instead of pointing out others faults ,let us take heed to ourselves,the word of God tells us,/Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall. [ 1 Corinthians 10 v12 ] [ Dear God help those Christians who have sinned, to repent and seek forgiveness, and help us all ,to not judge others, and keep us all from letting You down , in Jesus name Amen ]

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