verse of the day

Tuesday 27 July 2010

Go again. [ James 5 v 18 ]

Go again seven times, so reads the words of 1Kings 18v43, words spoken by Elijah to his servant, seven I am told speaks of perfection, in this case it also spoke of completness. As the servant obeyed and the prophet prayed, God answered prayer,there will be answers, when we obey, that means ,going again and again, to God in prayer. In this going again and again, we wil come to that point ,when God will grant an answer, remember there is a process that God is accomplishing in all this, will we be obedient? , will we persevere?, so today, go again.[ Dear God help us to obey You, to not give up, to not give into despair, to pray and persevere , in Jesus name Amen ]

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