verse of the day

Tuesday 20 July 2010

Empty hands. [ Galations 3v11]

Just recently this thought came to me, /that all men/women are not equally evil but all need Christ/.Our Saviour had to continually contend with the very religious,these people prayed,attended religious services,sought to live by rules and regulations. They considered, as long as they fulfilled all the do,s and donts they would be accepted by God. I am reminded of Martin Luther who became a monk,it was during a thunderstorm he became so terrified of dying unprepared,that he made his vow to become a monk. As a monk he prayed and fasted ,did penance, but he had no assurance of salvation, until he read the word of God,and the words,/The just shall live by faith [Galations 3 v11]/. So Martin a sinner put his faith in Jesus to save him, which he did, and the rest is history.Toplady wrote,/ Not the labours of my hands ,Can fulfil Thy laws demands. Could my zeal no respite know. Could my tears for ever flow. All for sin could not atone ,Thou must save , and Thou alone. Nothing in my hands I bring , Simply to Thy cross I cling./ [ Dear God we come to You with empty hands,trusting only in Jesus to save us Amen]

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