It is amazing how the hymn ,'Amazing Grace', is sung in so many places, even at the swearing in of the now President of America ,Biden. I wish him well, and will be praying for him, he will need all the help God can give him. Now coming back to that old hymn , 'Amazing Grace', I believe many sing that hymn, and don't really know what it really means, consider the first verse, Amazing grace that saved a wretch like me,.. I once was lost .... was blind. He was confessing his sinfulness , wretched, blind ,and lost, John Newton the author was very, very, aware of the depths of his sinful condition, and how he cried unto Him for salvation , and God saved him, by His unmerited favour, through Jesus the only Saviour. I add through Jesus, because there is no salvation apart from Him. Singing ,'Amazing Grace', is not enough, we need personally to ask Christ to be our Saviour, for no matter who we are, myself included ,we are wretched , lost ,and blind. The first verse could be changed to read.
Amazing Christ, how sweet the sound,
He saved a wretch like me,
I once was lost, but now am found,
Was blind but now I see.