verse of the day

Thursday 15 June 2017

Mercy triumphs over justice [ 1 Peter 3 v 18]

In John 8 v 1-12,we read how a woman is brought before Jesus by the religious leaders, she had been caught in the very act of adultery. Now adultery is a sin[ Exodus20 v14]and the penalty for such a sin was death,[Lev 20v10],but it is stipulated that both the adulterer and the adulteress, this question is, where was the adulterer?. This is ignored by our Saviour, unlike the authorities who were as, D.A. Carson, points out, they
were less interested in ensuring that evenhanded justice be meted out, than
in hoisting Jesus unto the horns of a dilemma.[v8]When it came to justice
it appears that the means justified the end, after all the trial of Jesus was a sham, and it is to Pilates shame that he allowed Jesus to be crucified, believing him to be Innocent.[ Luke 23 v13 ].One can picture the scene, this was taking place in a very public, the crowds were looking on, wondering
what is going to happen, The accusers were hoping that they had Jesus at last, the woman was waiting for the dread sentence to fall. Then Jesus
straight en's up and speaks,'' He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her''. The result was the woman's accusers ,slipped away one by one, after all, even they knew that only  God is without sin.The
lady escapes justice because of Jesus, we are all sinners, and the only way
any of us will escape the judgement of God is by trusting Jesus.

                                          A  prayer.
Dear God we are utterly amazed at your mercy to sinners,through Jesus your Son Amen.

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