verse of the day

Monday 1 June 2015

Value in not knowing [ 2 Corinthians v1 -10]

Recently I read the following words,there is value in not knowing,this was written about Paul's thorn in the flesh.[2 Corinthians 12v7] There are many who speculate as what that thorn in the flesh was,but it is only speculation.
In this case there is value in not knowing ,for as M Wilcock,writes,/the value in not knowing means we can put ourselves in that position ,and to say 'That could be me'. That means like Paul we are not excluded from the
grace we need ,to help us cope,and yes even to serve our Saviour.Consider the source of  this thorn in the flesh,Paul calls it a messenger of Satan. The same being that afflicted Job,yes he is still around,and will continue to be around,until that moment in the future when he will finally be dealt with
CP Revelation 20 v10.But as in Jobs case ,in Paul's case,and in every  dear
child of God whom he is attacking,God is in control, CP Job 1v12/2v8.
God in both these verses commands Satan,thus far and no further,let none
of us not loose sight of the sovereignty of God,over world events,and over
what comes into the child of Gods life.Both Job and Paul's suffering was severe,the Amplified Version,uses the following as regards Paul's affliction,
that racking,,buffeting and harassing.It was something that was on going
,but here is the good thing the grace of God was ongoing,and would be sufficient for Paul to cope with. There are things we have to bear that do not go a way,our sovereign Lord permits it to remain,for reasons that are best for us,and like Paul we are given the grace ,that is sufficient for us.
                                  A  prayer.
Dear God we bow to Your will for our lives,we thank You that You are in control of all things,help us in our utter weakness,to trust You,grant us the grace we need,that You may be glorified,in Jesus name Amen.

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