verse of the day

Wednesday 3 June 2015

Our main aim. [Matthew 5 v16]

It is said that once a young soldier,lying in pain in a hospital,said to Florence Nightingale as she bent over to tend him,'You are the Christ to me'
Certain Greeks asked a disciple of Jesus ,Sir we would see Jesus. Jesus said to all who are His,/You are the light of the world [Matthew 5v14] and then He said,[v16] Let your light so shine before men ,that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven./ Our Saviour who is the light of the world ,has gone to heaven,so He has placed us here to shine,to show His love by what we do and say.The aim and purpose  is to glorify our Father in heaven,as we end each day can we look back and say
 ,have I glorified my Father in heaven?. Our chief purpose is to glorify our God and Father,in all we do,if I was a sportsman I may have won a medal,but the more important question is ,have I brought glory to God?.
                                     A  prayer.
Dear God help us to glorify You today, in the name of Jesus we ask this. Amen.


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