verse of the day

Sunday 7 June 2015

Who did sin? [John 9 v 1-3 ]

In John 9 the disciples in seeing a blind man, asked Jesus ,who did sin ,this
man,or his parents.It does appear that they believed that his blindness was
caused by some sin he had commited,or because of some sin his parents had
committed. M Wilcock,/Jesus teaches on two occasions that suffering is not
necessarily a consequence of sin,/but it may be/[ Luke 13 v1-5/John 9 v1-3]
Because Israel had a terrible history,of continually rebelling against God
and, suffering for it,at the hand of God,they had developed a one sided doctrine,and so they failed to see,as in the case of Job,that there are different reasons for suffering.My wife did not die because of any sin she had done,
she was a very godly person.The reason the man was born blind was that God would be glorified,in his being healed. Job was allowed to suffer,
to see whither he would curse God,he questioned God ,argued with God,
but he  never cursed God. I pray for people everyday,who are suffering all
sorts of terrible things,they are not suffering because of sin,but for righteousness sake.What I am writing is a brief explanation,as regards
suffering ,Whatever you may be suffering,I leave you with what M. Wilcock,writes as regards this aspect of suffering,that bad things do happen
to us not as a result of our sin,/It is not that God has made a mistake,He really is in control.It is simply that unaccountable things do happen in this world,and either He will not give,or else we could not grasp,the explanation
of them./
                                      A prayer.
Dear loving heavenly Father grant us grace to cope with whatever we may be suffering,and that we trust in You at all times in Jesus name Amen .

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