verse of the day

Monday 8 June 2015

The blessedness of being little. [Philippians 2 v 5-11]

W  Shakespeare wrote of the ,/blessedness of being little/,I am sure many who find fame ,wish that they had not,because of the intrusiveness it brings.
The prophet Samuel spoke these words to king  Saul ,/When thou was little in thine own eyes, [1 Samuel5 v17] /unfortunately, Saul lost his littleness,for we read in v12,that he set up in a certain place a monument
to himself.This is what dictators do they have monuments erected  of themselves,they do not come under the blessedness of being little,they begin
to have grand ideas about themselves. I recently watched an interview of a very famous actor ,who has being knighted by the queen,when he is addressed ,he is no longer a plain mister,he is to be addressed as Sir.but this great actor preferred the sir to be dropped. Is there a blessedness in being little ?,titles,and wealth blind us, to our common humanity . The Christ event is mind blowing,most nights I look up at the stars,in the hope of seeing a star filled sky ,and yet in doing this I am reminded of the one who created the universe,became a little babe and grew to be a man, who stood among us as one who served,He made himself of no reputation,was made in the likeness of man,humbled himself,and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.
                                      A prayer.
Dear God forgive us for the sin of pride,because of birth,class,wealth, race,
power,education,forgive,help us to see the blessedness of being little,in Jesus name we ask this Amen.

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