verse of the day

Monday 29 June 2015

The church. [ Hebrews 10 v 23- 25]

Recently we met together in our fellowship the Pastor showed us a leaflet,that one would give to someone whose is interested in our church.
He pointed to the photo of our church building on the leaflet,and reminded us that the church is not the building,the church is the people.The building
is where the church meets,he then asked us to go outside where he would
take a photo, and have it put on a new leaflet,this we did,and duly had our photo's taken.It is important as individuals we see ourselves as part of the church. Now the church is made up of individuals,and as individuals we trust Christ to be our Saviour.[Have you did this?],but we must not as one
writer wrote, be seduced by the modern cult of individualism. How many
times, I  have heard people say to me,I do not  have to go to church
to pray,that is absolutely right,but if you are a Christian [are you?],then we are called to meet with other Christians,to pray with, and for them.The fellowship of other believers is vital for all of us if we are going to grow
spiritually,we all need each other. We read in Ephesians 5 v24, Christ also loved the church and give Himself for it,so get in the picture.
                                        A   prayer.
Dear God thank you that You love all of us as individuals,but  You also love us as a vital part of your church,help us to be part of it,for Jesus sake Amen

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