verse of the day

Monday 6 April 2015

Not knowing [Psalm 23]

   It is the not knowing,that we find hard,not knowing,I must confess as I come nearer retiring from my job, I am finding it hard,simple because I do not know how my days will be full,will I become a couch potato?. I am even asking myself should I have made the decision to retire,so if you are a
child of God do pray for me.
    I suppose my experience is not unique ,but it is to me,or is it?as I look back, I can truly say,He has been my guide. It has been challenging,but testing, so many times,looking for a way to go forward ,trying doors,that remained shut.
    There are valuable lessons to be had in all our experiences,they are Gods means of teaching us,that no matter how long we live,it is a life of faith. You see we are so prone to do it our way,to lean upon our own understand-
ing,so prone to walk the path of seeing,instead of the path of faith.That is
something that we find hard,and yet it is the path we must go,for only the
life of faith honours,and glorifies God.
      Another lesson is,the not knowing ,will drive us to Him who is all knowing, it was Job in his not knowing experience,when he was suffering
dreadful things.When God appeared to be no where to be found, Job in faith
declares,/but He knoweth the way I take[Job 23 v10]/ Not only does He know ,but we need to remind ourselves,that He has not,nor will He ever,
forsake us.
                                A prayer.
Dear God we confess that we worry in so many situations,not knowing is
but one of them grant us grace to be still and know that Thou art God in Jesus name Amen.

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