verse of the day

Tuesday 21 April 2015

I hate people [John 3 v16 / Exodus 22v 21]

A musician called Tom Lehrer said/ I know there are people who do not love their fellow man,and I hate people like that/ I suppose a lot of people do not really love their fellow men,there are people who love animals,more than humans,there are people who love their money more than there fellow
human beings,and so we could go on.
  At this time Italy is being inundated with people from Africa,many are fleeing from oppressive regine's,many our poor and our seeking a better life. We may frown at immigration,but it has always been so,English people have immigrated all over the world,like the Irish,the Italians and so many more.
I come from Northern Ireland,I now live in England,I had two uncles who
did likewise.
    We have a political party whose main emphases is on emigration,so do I hate my fellow man ,because they are  doing what millions have done before?,and in a sense what I have done.?
     It may seem obvious but God loves everyone,yes everyone, I am sure his heart goes out to those trying to escape from poverty,persecution,and a multitude of other reasons.
     I  suppose a lot people do not really love their fellow man,and I hate people like that.
                                  A  prayer.
Oh God of love help me to love everyone,as You do in Jesus name Amen.

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