verse of the day

Thursday 23 April 2015

Life is complicated [Psalm 124 ]

Life can be so complicated,with the world,think of all the political turmoil,
the  religious turmoil,within industry,society,relationships,and individual
 I have 5 sons who are all married,I have 13 grandchildren,inevitably one observes,or hears of things,that our complicated and it can be one thing after another,it can be all so complicated.The words of Psalm 124 come to mind,there David,reminds his people to consider there past difficulties,the enemies who would have destroyed them.What is David answer to there past difficulties?what is yours?,well David says ,/If it had been the Lord who was on our side,let Israel now say,If it had been the Lord who was on our side,when people rose up against us/
    So let us all say those words if it had been for the Lord, what is your
testimony?,how has the Lord undertaken for you?.What difficulties has He brought you through,look at your life ,he spared you in the womb,he delivered you safely at birth, He has brought you through so much,as He has me.The difficulties He has delivered you from,think of those difficulties
,if it had been the Lord intervening,.
   If  you are saved,then you have experienced the mercy of God through His son Jesus,you are not going to hell ,you are going to heaven.
    And so David reminds us that God is still a very present help in time of need,and he boldly declares,/Our help is from the Lord who made heaven and earthv8.
                                          A  prayer.
                        O God our help in ages past,
                        Our hope for years to come,
                        Be Thou our guard while life shall last,
                         And our eternal home.

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