verse of the day

Tuesday 7 April 2015

A declaration of intent [Romans 6 v1-6]

On Sunday I had the joy of seeing my grand daughter being baptised,she is aged 15,three other young people were baptised also.Baptism is not something we have thought up,it is something that our Saviour commanded us to do[Matthew 28v19].
   Baptism does not save us,but it speaks to us of salvation,the apostle Paul said he had not been sent to baptise,but to preach the gospel.[1 Corinthians 1 v17]He left others to carry out that task,but it was through his preaching
the gospel, that others were saved.Many people who have been baptised have never been saved,a religious rite does not save us,but a personal faith in Jesus does.[CP John 1 v12-13].
     In Romans 6 the apostle Paul writes on baptism as symbolising the death and burial of the old way of life.The problem that Paul was dealing with in Romans 6 was caused by people who did not understand,that by their  
babtism they had died to sinful practises.Those young people who were baptised were saying that they can no longer run with the crowd,in relation to sexual activity,drug taking,and so on. That does not mean just,  not doing certain things,but also facing each day ,in an attitude of love and Christian service. Now although I am stressing these things to those  young people,it applies to all Christians . Baptism is not just an emotional  experience,it is a declaration of intent for all Christians.
                                    A prayer.
Dear Lord help us to take on board what baptism really means in Your name we ask this Amen.

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