verse of the day

Friday 4 July 2014

The invisible hand [Romans 8 v28]

In  his book ,/The invisible hand/, R.C. Sproul writes,/The doctrine of the providence  of God leaves no room for fate,blind or otherwise.God is not blind,neither is He capricious.For him there are no accidents. With God there are no cases of chance events, indeed there is no such thing as chance/ He describes providence as the invisible hand of God,we rarely hear the term providence used these days, I wonder why?.I believe that God is sovereign,it is something I have believed from my early days as a Christian, it is something that the Bible teaches,and again as R.C.Sproul writes,/What are the chances that things happen by chance?the only appropriate answer we can give,is not a chance/. Now the sovereignty of  raises all sorts of questions which we may not be able to answer,but to remove that doctrine leaves bigger questions which we cannot answer. As I look out in a world ,and the daily tragedies that are happening,I do not have the answer,but God does, as I look back in my life,to some extent I can see how God was undertaking,and guiding,and bringing me through to this point in time,but I do not know why my first wife died, of cancer.But in Gods sovereignty,and with his invisible had of providence,He is working all things out,be they sad or painful,and to all His Children,He assures His them that He is working out all things for their good.[Romans 8 v28 ]
A  prayer...../Sovereign God we worship You,and ask for grace,to trust You, in all that is happening in our lives, in Jesus name Amen /

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