verse of the day

Sunday 6 July 2014

I cannot do the impossible.[ Acts 16 v31]

As a Christian I am continually reminded that I am called to a life of faith,faith in God, I have never seen,we have that desire within us all to see,to know. We are called to believe, in creation,that God did actually make this world,we are called to believe in salvation ,being completely of God,that we cannot in any way or any degree save ourselves.It is not Christ plus,it is Christ alone who saves, the reason we cannot save ourselves is simple we cannot,we are not able to save ourselves. As the hymn writer wrote ,Not the labour of my hands could fulfil Thy laws demands,could my zeal no respite know,could my tears for ever flow,all for sin could not atone ,Thou must save and Thou alone[A.M.Toplady] Surely we reason I must do something to be saved,yes, admit that you can do nothing,
absolutely nothing,no good works[Ephesians 2 v8-9].The only one who can deal with sin is Jesus,oh yes sin is the problem,what do you think if I said that all of us are sinners,but let us describe what that means .It that means there is none righteous ,in Gods eyes, none of us do good,the good we do is tainted instead of being done for the glory of God,it is tainted with self. There is no fear of God in peoples lives,none,if there where,things would be different.Until we see our sinfulness we will never see our need to be saved,never look to Jesus as your Saviour.
A  prayer...../Dear God we thank You for your mercy and grace,that saves us Hell deserving sinners,we thank You in Jesus name,the Saviour of the world. Amen /

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