verse of the day

Wednesday 30 July 2014

Call upon the Lord. [ Romans 10 v13]

I want us to consider, a  verse of scripture, from Psalm 50v15,  ,/ And call upon me in the day of trouble and I will deliver Thee/ Sometimes the Lord is the last port of call,when He should at all times be our first port of call.
The first  call should be the call for salvation,//Abraham was rich above many,David was a valiant soldier,Solomon was wiser than the wisest of people.Susanna as fair as any of our  painted pieces. Yet none of them thought that their riches,valour,policy,beauty,or excellent,parts could save them/[C.H.Spurgeon] Let us remember that the only thing we bring to the cross is our sin,so our you ready to call?
A  prayer....../.Dear God thank  you that when ruined sinners call upon You, You respond in Love,nothing in our hands we bring simple to Your cross we cling, in Jesus name Amen./

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