verse of the day

Tuesday 29 July 2014

Promises. [ Romans 8 v18]

I promise to pay the bearer the sum of 5 pounds ,and then it is signed by the chief  cashier of the bank of England. Yet it is possible that the bank for whatever reason may not be able to fulfil that promise. I do try to keep my word.There are dubious people who  make all sorts of promises ,like politicians to be elected, but they are not able to fulfil there promises. We expect people to keep their promises,and yet many don't,and of course many do,we promise ourselves that we are going to do  certain things,before we die.I recently heard of a dear brother whom made certain promises to himself before he died ,like buying a motor bike,visiting the church he got saved in,and other things,and he did it. Now when it comes to Christ He always keeps his promise,but sometimes we His followers ,lose sight of what He did promise as to this life. I read this recently,/ He never promised His followers it would be easy, but He did promise it would be worth it,/ The Christian life is a challenge to all of us to some degree,I read this morning of Christians in Vietnam being persecuted, of two men in Iran in prison,being tortured. A dear Christian I know has lost her husband ,she had to watch him suffer the ravages of cancer,to all such people and to ourselves I would say ,it will be worth it all when we see Jesus.
A  prayer..../ Dear Lord You have assured us that although the path of life You have chosen for us may be difficult, it will be worth it all,so grant us grace to hold on and to press on Amen /

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