verse of the day

Tuesday 6 May 2014

The wonder of the Cross. [ Galations 6 v14]

It is said that familiarity breeds contempt,but it also can breed indifference, and lack of love ,how many marriages fail because one person feels that they have been taken for granted.There is a popular song which goes,/you don't send me flowers anymore/,let us be honest if we put as much effort into our marriages, as we did when we were courting,many more marriages would survive. It is in the book of Revelation,our Lord  speaks to the church at Ephesus ,and He tells them that they had left their first love [2v4],for them that first enthusiasm had gone,like early mist.It was William Cowper who wrote ,/Where is the blessedness I knew,when first I saw the Lord. Where is the soul refreshing view,of Jesus and His word/.The church at Ephesus had many fine qualities,but as 1 Corinthians 13,reminds us ,that if love is missing then,we are missing the point of our relationship with the Lord,which is based on love.The Christian life has a starting point ,at  the foot of the old rugged cross,do you remember that moment?,I do,or have you let that memory dim,and you have let religion,business, take over.In our church service we sang a song that challenged me,words like,/May I never lose the wonder,the wonder of the cross,may I see it like the first time,standing as a sinner lost,/I wonder have we lost the wonder of the cross?.
A  prayer..../Dear Saviour grant us each day a fresh vision of the cross,let us never,never lose the wonder of the cross, Amen /

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