verse of the day

Monday 26 May 2014

Replacing fear. [Psalm 23]

I know a man whose wife is a back seat driver,although she sits in the front seat,he says it is becoming more and more stressful,as she suddenly at times,as it were cries out,when she perceives there is danger.It frightens him and makes his driving with his wife a very stressful experience, one wonders why his wife is acting in the way she does,possible a lack of trust in her husbands driving, he is a reasonable but would admit not to being a perfect driver. What can we do when fear begins to rule ones life?yes you possible guess what I am going to say,trust in the Lord,a simple answer,when that couple get into the car,God is with them,my friend says that he always prays before they start their journey. Yet trust in God appears to be missing from his wife's life,as they go on their journey. As Christians we should seek to place trust in God at all times,when our jobs are threatened,
  the answer to  fear is, trust in the Lord. If we read the Psalms many written by David who continually lived with the threat of death by King Saul,how did he cope?,his answer ,/I will fear no evil for Thou art with me/Psalm23 v6]
A prayer...../ Dear God help us see that the answer to fear is trust in You, in Jesus name we ask this Amen /

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