verse of the day

Tuesday 20 May 2014

Sometimes right away,sometimes not. [Nehemiah 2 v 4]

Recently I heard a dear sister testify of a prayer being answered,a reconciliation had taken place within her family,she had been praying about this for 15 years. In this society of the instant,we as Christian get sucked into its mind set,where as, if we read the scriptures we see ,that Gods ways are not always instant,far from it,oh yes God will answer quickly,in Isaiah 65 v24, we read,/And it shall come to pass,that before they call,I will answer,and while they are yet speaking,I will hear/. Yes God answers ,can be instant, but often they are not,but here is the important thing ,He does answer prayer.One of our sons lost his job recently ,but within a short time he another one,we all had prayed,God answered. Let us have confidence in God  to hear and answer our prayers.Our prayers may be answered in an instant ,or in 15 years,but we can be sure that if our prayers are according to His will He will answer. We drink a lot of tea in our country,tea comes in little bags,and you just pop the tea bag into hot boiling water,and you have an instant cup of tea,but years ago tea came loose,and one would use a tea pot,fill it water,boil the water ,then put in the loose tea.Most people left the tea pot on the heat for some time,in order to get what they felt was a proper cup of tea.the point is whiter it was instant or not,the same result,  a cup of tea.So it is with answers to prayer,we pray once  or we pray for a long time,the  result is the same,prayer is answered.
A  prayer...../ Dear God we praise You that You hear and answer prayer,sometimes right away, sometimes not,in Jesus name. Amen/

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