verse of the day

Friday 31 August 2012

It does matter.[ 2 John ]

John Stott in his Tyndale commentary on the epistles of John writes,/ John has given us three things to test themselves, and others, doctrinal, moral,and social./ Consider the doctrinal, now many people say it does not matter what you believe as long as you are sincere,but it does matter,I am reading at present a history of Nazism ,their leader and followers acted out what they believed. Rudolf  Hess who was responsible for the murder of more than a million people ,felt to his last breath the reasons for the extermination of the Jews were right,that was what he believed.The person who killed all those young people in Norway acted out of what he believed. Now acting out of what we believe is seem in everyday events,why do you save,because you believe it is the sensible thing to do,likewise when you feel unwell you go to the doctors,again because you believe it is the sensible thing to do.Everybody has beliefs , but it is when those beliefs ,are and become harmful, and when our beliefs are contrary to the word of God.Much of what is written in the epistles is contending against error,who Christ is, and why He came,and what He said and did, are not to be undermined, or to be seen as just another religious leader and movement. Jesus declared that He was the way ,the truth,and the life,that no one can come unto the Father but by Him [ John 14 v6 ], make no mistake, believing this is vital.
A   prayer..../ Dear God ,guide us into truth and keep us believeing and walking in Your truth in Jesus Name/

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