verse of the day

Saturday 1 September 2012

In heaven.[ Ephesians 3 v 14 -21 ]

I wonder do you ever have a deep longing for our homeland ,I mean heaven,I  do , now I can understand how many dear peoples lives are so difficult,and they long for heaven and home. But we must wait until God decides it is time for our homecalling ,we read of Enoch who walked with God,and He was not,for God took him[ Genesis 5v24 ], consider, God took him, thats important, one these days God will take you and I home.I was thinking today about heaven , and what will not be there,have you thought about that?,well ,there will be no feelings of loneliness , the Beatles sang of all the lonely people,yes there are a lot of lonely people,who go to bed on there own, and face each day on there own.Ask God to lead you to some lonely person and befriend them,I dare you to pray this,God will surprise you. I believe even Christians are lonely, I have been  lonely at times, there I have said it, I have confessed,and it is true. Now could it be that as we are in this earthly situation loneliness is something we will always  know to some degree,but heaven here I come,were loneliness will be banished,not one of Gods children will feel lonley there
A  prayer...../Dear Father in heaven grant unto us a greater sense of Your presence, we  acknowledge that we are lonely at times,we praise You that in heaven we will never feel loneliness,until that day dawns,and the shadows flee away,pour out Your grace into our lives, in Jesus name Amen./

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