verse of the day

Sunday 9 September 2012

True worshipper. [ 1 Thessalonians 1 v9 ]

I have to watch my sugar intake since I became diabetic, at this point I am not on medication, but it may come to that,but I still  like the taste of sweet things,yet I know If  I eat sweets and cakes ,it could cause me serious trouble. I try to be disciplined in my eating but its not easy , eating gives us great pleasure, but pleasure unrestrained becomes a god cp -Philippians 3 v19. I love football,as many do, but for many football and footballers can become objects of worship, inspite of our advancemet socially ,materially, etc, humanity will still idolise something or other. The reason being ,our imperfectness creates in us a want,or a need, the entertainment media, be it comics,books,movies,feed in on this want,and they create,superman,batman, super heroes. But the reality is this, they are but an illusion, have no substance,I make no apology for the fact that I am a Christian,a worshipper, that my worship is in a person called Christ. Someone said to me recently,ah thats what you believe,yes it is , but its a belief borne out of the word of God,that clearly foretold of a coming Saviour,in what we call the old testament,and was fulfilled,at a place called Bethlehem in a babe who would grow to be a man, who would die on a cross to meet humanities greatest need.Our greatest need is to be reconciled to God, and on the cross Christ dealt with the barrier to our being reconciled to God, sin,that foul and flthy thing that blinds us and causes us so much harm. Christ is not just another, no He is unique,and He alone is worthy of our worship.
A  prayer..../  Dear God we thank for the truth of Your dear son Jesus ,who came as was foretold, and died to make us true worshippers of Yourself . Amen/

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