verse of the day

Sunday 2 September 2012

No sheep.[ John 10 v 1-18]

I attended our local agricultural show ,on display were horses,cattle ,both groups were very impressive,there were events like show jumping,and dogs involved in racing each other,but I didnt see any sheep,mybe I just missed them,but I wonder where they were?. The bible has a lot to say about sheep,it likens people as unto sheep,when it mentions that all we like sheep have gone astray,and that we have turned every one to his own way,the people would understand this, living in rural setting, many of them involved with sheep.It was to shepherds that the angels proclaimed the birth of Jesus[ Luke 2],Jesus called Himself the good shepherd ,who would give His life for the sheep. [John 10v11]. Again the people would understood this, wild animals often attacked the sheep, David spoke about a lion and a bear attacking his sheep[ 1 Samuel 17 ]Now the spiritual application of all this is ,as sheep go astray,so we without exception have turned away from God,we have gone our own way,and that puts us in great danger,in our self willed way,we are ensnared , and trapped by Satan and our sin,with all it consequences,for time and eternity.This is where Jesus the good Shepherd comes in, He leaves heaven comes to earth to give His life for us [lost sheep],in order that He would rescue us ,from Satan,and forgive and free us from eternal loss.The cost to Jesus cannot be estimated,as the old hymn declares,/ None of the ransomed ever knew,how deep were the waters crossed,nor how dark was the night that the Lord passed through,ere He His sheep that was lost/.The question is why did He go through all that suffering ?simply, because He loved us His sheep.
A prayer...../ Dear God we praise and thank You for Jesus Your Son ,who left heaven , came to earth to die on the cross for lost mankind Amen /

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