verse of the day

Thursday 2 August 2012

Are we significant?[Psalm 8 ]

Recently while watching the TV ,the camera were up in the air and it showed people on the ground they looked the size of ants.In relation to the universe we may ask, are we of any significance?,the sheer vastness of the universe dwarfs this minute planet we live in,so again we ask the question, are we of any significance?. Even bringing it down to the size of the worlds population,what significance are we as individuals?,the Psalmist asks the same sort of questions in Psalm 8v 3-4,/When I consider Thy heavens,the work of Thy fingers,the moon, and the stars,which thou hast ordained. What is man, that thou art mindful of Him? and the son of man, that Thou visitest him/ This was not a question of doubt, but a statement of utter and complete amazement,that such a thing should be. I read this verse this morning,/ Creator of the universe,who reigns in awesome majesty,how can it be that You,re involved, with such a one as me/.[Sper] The coming of the son of God is such a wonder,God with us,not just as a tourist, but as one who came to show in the most profound way that though we may appear to be insignificant,we are in fact so important that this son of God would give His very life for us,that is how inportant you and I are.
A  prayer...../ Dear God we are sometimes overawed by our smallness,and yet  we rejoice that You have shown us in the most profound way, through Calvary that not only are we imporant ,but that You also love us,we thank You in Jesus Name Amen /

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