verse of the day

Thursday 30 August 2012

Worry. [1 Peter 5 v7 ]

I must confess there are times that I worry,you would think after all these years,I wouldnt worry, I who have read the bible many times,preached  sermons and so on,  should not worry, is worry a sin?[,now  I am going to worry about that]. I am sure every Christian worries about something or other at times, I dont worry all the time, and by Gods grace ,I face my worries and trust in His word, that word continually reassures me that my loving heavenly Father is watching over me.Worry is a natural feeling,the only way forward is? ,ah, I know the answer,trust, yesterday I had to take two people for their regular blood test,they both are very unwell people and find it hard to wait, and so I prayed that they would be seen quickly,and they were.Yes I do worry about things but I do bring my worries to Jesus, and I find time and time again,He undertakes. Im struggling to remember  the words of a little chorus ,I think the words go like this,/All my anxieties all my cares bring to the mercy seat ,leave them there,never a burden that He cant bear, never a fiend like Jesus/, let us do that today. 
A  prayer....../ Dear God live is a continual challenge, help to face whatever problem or worry as it were on our knees,to daily cast our cares upon You in Jesus name Amen /

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