verse of the day

Thursday 10 March 2011

Words. [ Psalm 19 v14 ]

I felt convicted I had said something I should not have, alas, once you speak words they cannot be recalled, you cant delete them . I spoke words and felt an uneasiness in my spirit , the Holy Spirit was at work,of course I could ignor His prompting, but in doing that,I would grieve Him, He would not leave me,but in some way ,He would remind me. So really its best to respond to His prompting, confess ones sin , learn from it ,and move on. Consider all the rash words spoken,all the fifthly words, the hurtful words, the lying words. One of my favourite poems is the ,/The Ballet of Reading Jail, by Oscar Wilde, it is about a man who was going to be hung, why?,The man had killed the thing he loved, and so he had to die, but then Oscar goes on to write,/Yet each man kills the thing he loves, by each let this be heard,some do it with a bitter look, some with a flattering word./ May we watch our words today,to all we come in contact with, and especially with our nearest and dearest, we dont want to kill the thing we love. [ Dear God forgive our wrong words, help us to speak healing words, not hurtful words,may the words that we speak today glorify You, we ask this in Jesus name Amen ]

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