verse of the day

Friday 25 March 2011

How is your appetite? [Matthew 4 v 4]

Usually as I do my blog I am eating my breakfast, whats your faviourite food?, I have things I like,some I cant have because I am diabetic,like apple pie,or doughnuts,I dont like spicy food,and usually I find it difficut to choose what to eat ,when I go to a restaurant. Many people comfort eat,as a result they put on weight, then we have those who want to loose weight, it is called the battle of the bulge. When it comes to eating Jesus said ,man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God [Matthew 4 v4/ Deut 8 v3 ]. Yes we need food ,our Lord knows this,and assures us that our loving Heavenly Father will provide [Matthew 6 v24-34 ], But men and women are not just physical beings,we have a soul, we have a spiritual side to our being,if we are not Christians ,we need to realize that we need Christ more than we need bread. If we are Christians we need to feed our spirits ,by reading the word of God everyday, to memorize it it,to meditate on it. There is a little childrens chorus that comes to mind ,/ Read your Bible ,pray everyday , If you want to grow, not only is this good advice but vital advice, for our spiritual well being. [Dear Lord help me not to neglect my soul, grant unto me a healthy appetite for Your word, Amen ]

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