verse of the day

Thursday 24 March 2011

We must pray. [ Hebrews 11 v6 ]

I heard something yesterday that has upset me , someone I know is ill, what can I do?,well I can pray .In the act of praying we are doing the most important thing,most people pray,mybe even some atheist, we may be surprised. There is so much to pray about ,countries like Japan, Libya,our own country,persecuted Christians,neighbours, family,the list goes on,and yet it is not just a list, it is about real people, real situations,thats why we must be real in our prayers ,no hypocrisy, no falseness,no pretending, yes we must be real. Faith is important in prayer,faith in a God who honours faith,and will answer those prayers , offered in faith. As regards faith read Hebrews chapter 11, in that chapter we read of people acting in faith,but rest assured ,our acts of faith, should be preceded by prayers of faith, to God who hears and answers .John Newton wrote this on prayer,/ My soul, ask what thou wilt. Thou canst not be to bold,Since His own blood for thee He spilt,What else can He withhold?. Beyond thine utmost wants,His love and power can bless. To praying souls He always grants, More than they can express./ [Dear God who hears and answers prayer,we bring to you those things,that are burdening us, and ask that in Thy great mercy ,You would undertake ,we ask this in Jesus name Amen ]

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