verse of the day

Monday 28 March 2011

How serious?[ Numbers 15v12-36]

When certain things happen we often ask, how serious is it?,for example when we hear of someome who is ill , or of someone bieng in an accident. I wonder have you ever asked the question in relation to sin ?,how serious is sin?, let us consider this question. First of all , all sin is serious and has serious consequences, I stress the all,we have a mentality that makes light of certain things, people yes even Christians take the name of the Lord in vain,and every tme they do this they are sinning, and thats serious. We must begin to realize that all sin has serious consequences, and must be taken serious. Next ,all sin is taken serious by God who is holy, and must be judged,I stress must be judged,this judgement by God can be now ,but most diffently in eternity, when Jesus will judge sinners, those who have rejected Him as saviour. Next we see how serious God takes sin when we look at the cross,why is Jesus on the cross?,because of your sin and mine,God desires all to be saved, but sin is serious, so God made a choice, a most painful choice, His Son would have to die on a cross , now thats how serious sin is to a holy God. [Dear God help me to take all sin as serious, help me to take the consequences of sin serious,so serious that I will trust Jesus as my savioiur. Amen ]

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