verse of the day

Saturday 26 March 2011

Disruptions. [ John 14 v27 ]

We have four of our grandchildren staying, and let me say that they are grand children, it goes with out saying that we love then,and all our grandchildren. But, ah there is always that but in life, when they stay they bring a bit of disruption, no matter how early I get up, they beat me to it. Let us consider the aspect of disruption in our lives,they can be major things ,and minor things, but usually we dont like them. Sometimes they bring confusion and pain ,they throw us,and we feel confused,and upset,so how do we cope?, can we cope?, the answer is yes,the poet wrote, if you can keep your head when all around are loosing theirs,again let me ask the question,can we cope?,yes we can. / How is this possible?well here is how,/Thou wilt keep in perfect peace ,whose mind is stayed on Thee ,because he trusted in Thee.[ Isaiah 26 v3 ]/[ Dear God when disruptions come into my life help me to focus on You in Jesus name Amen ]

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