verse of the day

Tuesday 8 March 2011

To pray properly. [ Luke 18 v 1-9]

In my job we are required to do mandatory courses,on our Pc ,usually they are not to bad, but the latest one was difficult,most of my colleagues found it difficult to do. I read the material, colleagues tried to help me but in vain, so last night I attempted this on own pc, I lifted up my hands and prayed, and I did it first time. Prayer was answered there and then,praise God, that is one aspect of prayer,that immediate answer, but often we have to persevere in prayer. Richard Sibbes wrote,/To pray properly is no easy matter. To pour out your heart and soul before God, to believe He hears and will come to help you, to pray in faith, and to wrestle with Him, to strive for a blessing and hope against hope, being delayed, yet waiting for Him until He comes, this is exceeding hard to be done./ We may today recieve an immediate answer to our prayers, we may not, but keep on praying to the God who will answer .[ Dear God teach how to pray, help us to pray, and grant us grace to not give up in our praying, in Jesus name Amen ]

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