verse of the day

Thursday 9 September 2010

Oppression. [ John 8 v1-11]

The Koran is going to be burnt by a pastor in USA, the world of Islam will be up in arms,they feel their god is being insulted. It appears that anyone who differs with them is worthy of death,it does see to me that Islam is a very violent religion, they are good at reminding the world of the wrongs of the crusades, but they did there fair share of conquering. Time after time we here of poor women,[it never seems to be the men]being flogged or stoned to death. I remember speaking to a young soldier, who had served in Afghanistan,I asked him what he remembered about his time there?,he replied, people with no limbs,this was there punishment for stealing. Imagine what it must be like living under such a system, no thank you,today let us pray for Muslins,that God would move,and save,also let us remember our fellow Christians,who live in the lands of Islam and suffer many injustices.[ Dear God have mercy on those who are living under the oppression of Islam, bring them to faith in Thy son Jesus,also help Your people who live within the lands of Islam, Amen ]

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