verse of the day

Friday 17 September 2010

Human reasoning. [Proverbs 3v5 ]

Yesterday we mentioned about the importance of the scripture , let me say we are not to worship the scriptures,we are to honour them as Gods word. The scriptures reveal all we need to know as regards salvation, we must accept what the scriptures say by faith,the problem with mankind is they lean upon their own understanding. When we do this we can get ourselves into so much trouble, the Roman Catholic Church is not the only ones who do this, the cults do,and the vast marjoity of people in this world do. More and more ,do I take to heart the words of Proverbs 3 v5 /Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding/, if we do this we will not fall into error or be led astray. So let us all hold fast to the truth of Gods word,to read it,believe it,to be guided by it, and to practice it. [ Dear God help me to not lean upon my own understanding, but to trust in You, with all my heart, in Jesus name I ask this Amen ] [ I will be on holiday for a week ,I will return to my blog on the 25th]

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