verse of the day

Saturday 28 October 2023

Watchmen . ( Ezekiel 3 v 18 )

 I attended a Christian meeting where a man and wife told of their ministry in Romania,but it also touched on Moldovia ,Ukraine.They ministered to the practical needs of the people in those countries,and helped so many people in dire straits.Many people don't realise the tremendous ministries like that mentioned ,that are involved  in helping so many needy people in so many needy places.Being a Christian brings with it a tremendous responsibility, that is in helping people,by our giving and our doing. No Christian can op out of that,or ignore it,it is our duty to do good works,but as I have pointed out often ,that that none of those good works save us Ephesians 2 V 8-9 , But they are the evidence of us being Christians, James 2 v 18. But another thing that impressed me as regards that couple,was their clarity in speaking about the gospel. They told of people being saved, and being baptised, and it made me think of days long ago in my beloved Ulster ,where the Gospel was faithfully proclaimed, in a clear manner.It appears to me that in the land that I now live in,many preachers have lost  that clarity and simplicity in relation to people as regards  being saved, I wonder why?. Well I suppose they don't want to offend people,or they may find the gospel  offensive to  them, so they avoid preaching it,or they camouflage it,such a dreadful thing to do. When we think of  the consequences of not being saved,shut out from heaven ,and shut in to hell for ever, I call it soul murder,and they will be held accountable before God.

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