verse of the day

Saturday 14 October 2023

Lost ( Luke 15

 Recently I found  five pound,but also recently I lost ten pound, then a key went missing ,I am not going to  take the blame,even though she who must be obeyed,in her heart of hearts  must have thought he is loosing the plot, never mind the key.I must confess I do not like loosing anything.I suppose I can always have the excuse,I am getting old,oh lets be honest, I am old.Many people hide behind  the softer word,they use the term senior citizens,it sounds nicer.Back to loosing things,our dear Saviour in Luke 15,speaks of three things that were lost, a  sheep,a coin,and a person, it has a happy ending,they were all found. I think sometimes  we do not take  in, the lostness of we are born so we are all in the same boat,lost. It is recognising this important fact, often we do not want to recognise this, because the word of God says men love darkness rather than light. (John 3 v 19).Consider v 20 'Everyone who does evil hates the light,and will not come to the light because their deeds were evil'. That is what it means to be lost, hating the light ,and will not come to the light, for fear that their deeds will be exposed'.The plight of humanity is grave,make no mistake about this,hating ,resisting,and fearful, let us pray that the Holy Spirit may move in the lives of the lost ,CP John 16 v 8 - 11

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