verse of the day

Wednesday 25 October 2023

Brokenness ( Psalm 31 )

 What a wonderful  world we live in,and of course it is,but we live in a broken world,and you don't have far to look to see its brokenness, in the street I live in I see brokenness,broken marriages and with that brokenness comes a lot of pain. A neighbour who is disabled,whose son never visit her,yet she was a good mother,then there is her grandchildren who will only help if she gives them money.Then their is a elderly mother,who has infected her children with hatred,towards a certain person.Another neighbour  whose mother is an alcoholic and the pain she has brought to her family. Brokenness comes to us in different ways,death of a love one, being violently attacked,robbed,addictions,rejection,so one could on.Think about wars,the wars may finish but for many the brokenness continues,yes we live a broken world,but there is hope in the God of hope, King David had many traumatic experiences,being hunted like a criminal ,by a king who wanted him dead,a son who  led a rebellion against his father to kill him,and become king.He recorded how he felt in his times of trouble.In Psalm 31v12 he writes,'I am forgotten as though I were dead;  I have become like broken pottery'. He further speaks of people whispering and,terror on every side, of those conspiring to kill him and take his life v 13.What can one do in the brokenness of life,here is what David  did,he turned to the only one that could help him ,'God'. This is part of what he prayed,'But I trust in you,Lord; I say,''you are my God''.If you are a Christian and you feel so broken,turn to your God ,He is the one who heals the broken hearted (Psalm 147 v3 )

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